End of Empires Wiki

Tephras-ta-Atracta (formerly Taro Rutarri) was the illegitimate son of the Redeemer Avetas by Zelarri Atteri, and later claimant to the mask of the Karapeshai Exatai as Prince of the Scroll. He was championed largely by his mother and the Accan faction in the Karapeshai court, whose considerable wealth and power made him a significant threat for the mask, though his acclamation was contested by the steppe Prince Karal. Following his final defeat by Karal's army, he declined into irrelevance as little more than the local governor of Atracta, though his son Arteras would restore the fortunes of his father's princedom. 

Despite his superior troops and wealth, his lack of personal leadership ensured his defeat at the hands of Karal's numerically inferior forces, since he was largely considered little more than a tool for his mother's ambition.
