End of Empires Wiki

The sitting administrative and legislative body of the Republic of the Daharai, in which ultimate legal power rests. The Red Chamber operates out of the Palace of the Chamber, located in the Inner City of Epichirisi on the lower seaward slope of the Charitan Hill.

The Red Chamber is a representative body comprised of delegates assigned by and from each party named to the Compact of Spitos; these parties being the various Orders of the Daharai and the Opalansai Iendeosi. By the terms of the inan, the Orders and the Iendeosi are both bound to defend and carry out any law or decree made by the body. The Red Chamber is composed of 121 hierarchs, each assigned by and representing their respective Order or city. The Chamber is overseen by the Exarch, who embodies the collective will of the people of the Republic in his person, and who stands before the Chamber in their stead. It is the duty of the Exarch to remind the Chamber of its obligation to its people, and when necessary to mount the dais and invoke the people's veto. The Exarch must be selected and confirmed by no less than a two-thirds majority of the Red Chamber.
