End of Empires Wiki
Update 31 Satellite

A satellite image of the known world.

Welcome to the End of Empires Wiki

If you randomly stumbled onto this, I'll give you a little bit of explanation. End of Empires is an NES -- a sort of a cross between a game and a collaborative story, set in a world quite different than ours. There is no magic or any of that, but the nations and people are completely different, and they have a history of their own stretching back over a thousand years by now.

If you happen to be a player of End of Empires, feel free to create and/or edit pages in this wiki. Try not to do anything idiotic.

Describe your topic

The wiki, of course, exists mostly to describe and catalogue information from the End of Empires world in an easy to find database, and to elaborate on certain aspects of the countries, characters, and lands that can't be fit into updates or stories.

Countries Cultures Religions Geography Cities Language
Myth Natural Disasters People Wars Books Calendars
Animals Architecture Currency Battles Disease Government
Continents Islands Medicine History Historical Countries Organization
Rivers Policy Titles Secret Societies Planets Seas

Principal categories on this wiki, though more exist.

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